Monday, January 16, 2012

Week 2 weigh in...and the case of the bacon

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

It was the best of times for parties and friends this week.  It was the worst of times for trying to stay healthy and keep the weight dripping off.  I think it is safe to say that beer was much too high a percentage of calories taken in this past week and we'll probably need to get back on the veggie train as well.

Excuses out of the way...on to the weigh in!

Matt - 210.4

Shawn - 136.5

This week Matt has the stronger week, but Shawn maintains her lead from last week.  It looks like the trip to IHOP didn't cost her as far...duh duh duuhhh.

We may have a real competition on our hands!

Week Dates Shawn Matt

Weight Percentage Lost Weight Percentage Lost

0 1/5/2012 141 0 216.4 0

1 1/8/2012 139 1.42 214.6 0.83

2 1/15/2012 136.5 1.8 210.4 1.96

Shawn Matt

Total % Loss 3.22 2.79

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