Monday, September 24, 2012

Week 2 weigh in: Nothing to see here

Well, well, well, the more things change, the more they just stay the same.

In order of total awesomeness:  Current Weight (lost this week)

Matt: 191 (-5.3)
Craig: 159 (-4.0)

Laura: 151.6 (-3.8)
Shawn: 139 (-2.0)
Scott:  235.8 (-2.0)
Della:  138.2 (-1.0)

I'm sure you are all shocked to see me at the top of the list.  Least surprising thing since the Redskins losing a winnable game yesterday.  I'm pretty impressed though, everyone lost weight this week.  It's a good start if nothing else.

If I was handicapping this, I'd put my money on Scott as the person with the highest upside (read: obesity) to win this contest.  That said, he spent yesterday fatting down some wings and pizza.  I keep hearing about a "boot camp", we'll see.

I'll be honest, until you people start doing something to impress me, I don't have a lot to say.


"I'm starting boot camp tomorrow.  You's are all in trouble!"

TIP OF THE WEEK:  Try being less fat!

Until next week, EAT MORE BACON!

On to the grid:  Results